Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cartagena Colombia.

My trip to Cartagena Colombia was a really amazing experience, there I could go to many places, and I eat typical food from Colombia that taste delicious. There are some places that I'd like recommend you, for example: there is a castle called Saint Felipe Castle (Castillo de San Felipe), it it a historical place where you can walk inside, find a lot of tunnels and enjoy looking the city from the top of this place. The wall ( Las Murallas) is the tourist place that has inside a big market that was a place to keep the golden that the pirates stole from Cartagena many years ago, in this market you can find a lot of fabulous souvenirs to buy from this interesting culture. There are a lot of places to eat but the best that you can do is enjoy eating on the tables on the street, the weather is fantastic and the people are really kind. The city is comfortable and quiet, if you want a place to relax it could be an excellent option. I recommend you Cartagena Colombia, it is a interesting place to visit.


Hsiao-Yen said...

Good job Deyvid,
Thanks for your recommend and would like to visit Cartagena Colombia. Also, I can visit my relatives because my aunt they have lived there for long time.

Kristi said...

Wow! Sounds awesome!!! I've been dying to go to South America, so I'll have to add that to my list. One day....

Claudia said...

Hi David!
I'm glad you know Cartagena. Really it is a beautiful city.
I lived there for 2 years.
Some day we could share our thoughts about Cartagena!