Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My trip to Jasper

Hello again!, I'd like to share my experience in my trip to Jasper. It was an exciting trip, I went to Maligne lake but it was frozen, next I visited Maligne Canyon, where I took some pictures, It is a beautiful place where you can enjoy looking at the water falls. Finally, I went to the Tramway, it was the most exciting experience in Jasper for me because I could see the down town of Jasper from the top of the mountain and the view is awesome! The down town is a comfortable place with a lot of restaurants where you can enjoy eating delicious meals, additionally in the down town you can see a lot of deer in the morning and in the evening they are a little dangerous but amazing animals. I recommend you Jasper, don't miss the trip this semester it is going to be a really good experience for you and I am sure that you are going to have some amazing memories about this trip.


Hsiao-Yen said...

Dear Deyvid,
yep, the Jasper is a good place and our school is going to pick our up to there in July. As well, I can't wait because I want to go right now. I am a little sad because you don't want to go with me. we are best fraind right?
hope when i am going to Jasper, I can see it that is like your pictures.

Claudia said...

Hi Deyvid!
Traveling and know new places always is nice. Beautiful picture.
Where are you going in the next weeks? Could you recommend me some places to know in Venezuela, please?

Ra'ed said...

Hi Deyvid
I think Jasper is beatiful. I can't wait until we go I really want to take a thousand pictures ther

thank you for showing us the picture

emi said...

Hi Deyvid!
Oh, Jasper! What a beautiful plase it is! What did you do in there? I'm going to there next mounth, I will do camping 3days! so exciting!what do you recomend me to bring?