Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My trip To Buenos Aires Argentina

Buenos Aires Argentina is an excellent place to visit, I'd like to share with you my experience there. The first thing to do in Buenos Aires is visit a night club where you can see a Tango Show, I went to a restaurant the night that I arrived to Buenos Aires, and I could see an amazing Tango Show with professionals dancers. Second you can't miss a meal in the restaurant Follow The Cow (Siga La Vaca) in this restaurant you can eat all the meat that you want for a really cheaper price, I went to this restaurant and I ate chicken, beef, pork, salad, wine and cake. It was a really good meal I enjoy eating a lot. The places to visit are in the center of the city Puerto Madero is a place where you can find a big mall next to the port and you can enjoy eating dinner in this spectacular ambient. El Caminito is an historical place in the center of the city with a lot of restaurants bar and stores with traditional appearance those are really nice and old. In the pictures you can see Puerto Maderos, El Caminito and the Center of the City. Visiting Argentina was a really exciting experience, I recommend you go there.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cartagena Colombia.

My trip to Cartagena Colombia was a really amazing experience, there I could go to many places, and I eat typical food from Colombia that taste delicious. There are some places that I'd like recommend you, for example: there is a castle called Saint Felipe Castle (Castillo de San Felipe), it it a historical place where you can walk inside, find a lot of tunnels and enjoy looking the city from the top of this place. The wall ( Las Murallas) is the tourist place that has inside a big market that was a place to keep the golden that the pirates stole from Cartagena many years ago, in this market you can find a lot of fabulous souvenirs to buy from this interesting culture. There are a lot of places to eat but the best that you can do is enjoy eating on the tables on the street, the weather is fantastic and the people are really kind. The city is comfortable and quiet, if you want a place to relax it could be an excellent option. I recommend you Cartagena Colombia, it is a interesting place to visit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My trip to Jasper

Hello again!, I'd like to share my experience in my trip to Jasper. It was an exciting trip, I went to Maligne lake but it was frozen, next I visited Maligne Canyon, where I took some pictures, It is a beautiful place where you can enjoy looking at the water falls. Finally, I went to the Tramway, it was the most exciting experience in Jasper for me because I could see the down town of Jasper from the top of the mountain and the view is awesome! The down town is a comfortable place with a lot of restaurants where you can enjoy eating delicious meals, additionally in the down town you can see a lot of deer in the morning and in the evening they are a little dangerous but amazing animals. I recommend you Jasper, don't miss the trip this semester it is going to be a really good experience for you and I am sure that you are going to have some amazing memories about this trip.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Welcome to my blog...

Hello everyone! My name is Deyvid Im from Venezuela, I love music, video games and animals, my favoryte pet is a dog. I want to share with you my experiences traveling and much more. I hope to receive some comments. Don't forget about that OK!